Luftwaffe Organization in Norway may 1945
Luftwaffe losses in Norway
Fliegerhorste in Norwegen
Truppengliederungen (order of battle)
Monthly strengh Luftwaffe all units
RLM Aircraft production 1944
We need some help
Luftwaffe in Norway by year

New website about Lw Losses check it out

This site is updated and kept alive by private investigator Sveinungsen This company is investigating WWII and Luftwaffe's activities in Norway. Sveinungsen provides both investigation services (Etterforsker) and hand writing analysis (skriftgransker) in Norway.
The community deserves this information being kept online for everyone to read.
Whats new:
15 November new link
21 April Articles: Updated Layout of RAF Nordic claim and losses list and updated RAF Nordic casualities list
20 April Articles: more Adler added
13 April Articles: Adler magazine to download Lw Claims in south Norway 40 - 45
1 April Articles: updated version of RAF Nordic claim and losses list
10 February List of all Fi-156 Storch in Norway 1945 under articles
